Federal Cloud

Cloud computing has become a valuable IT element for various federal government agencies. In recent years, agencies across the federal government have incorporated cloud computing architectures and solutions to provide services to constituents and diminish the need for large-scale, conventional IT infrastructure investments.

Our cloud solutions are delivered as an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offering employing a multi-tenant public cloud computing environment. Our comprehensive approach combines deep industry experience, operational know-how, state-of-the-art technology, and a detailed understanding of the risk environment to help you get the best outcome from your cloud investment today and stay at the forefront of things to come.

You can execute federal mandates, meet growing demands, improve services, and fast-track transformation and innovation — more quickly and cost effectively — with our Federal Cloud. Gain on-demand access to high-speed, high-performance bare metal resources, and pay only for what you use.

Federal agencies look for a reliable partner to integrate cloud services into their IT infrastructure. Being a full-service provider, we offer a complete spectrum of cloud management, integration and consulting services. And because the journey to the cloud can be a complex one, we also combine our cloud solutions with conventional IT management, functional and maintenance services to make the conversion as seamless as possible.

Our federal cloud platform ensures:

  • Unified, transparent management of on-site and cloud-based services.
  • Open environment adaptable to client-specific requirements
  • Integrated decision support model
  • Certification for superior-security assignments
  • Advanced data security for seamless protection and faster threat response
  • Steadfast practice for determining and applying innovation for clients
  • Sturdy, market-relevant partnerships
  • Trusted partner with front-line experience migrating, managing and governing cloud