Managed IT Services Keeps This Dental Practice In Business

Before this dental services practice started working with BlueCloud, they struggled with their technology. Servers would crash. Equipment would go down, and productivity would plummet. It was a big problem, because technology underpins their practice. The dental center uses 3D scans of patients’ mouths to help them create custom molds for dental implants that replace missing or damaged teeth. They often send patient records — including the massive 3D files — between two offices on a regular basis. When their systems stop communicating, they can’t even properly book procedures. Thankfully, their IT problems are now in the past.

Outsourced IT Services Keeps Staff Focused on Patients, not IT
This dental practice has been a BlueCloud customer for about two years. They are on a managed IT services contract where BlueCloud’s team of technicians provide backup, disaster recovery, system monitoring, help desk services and technology advice. The services are aimed squarely at preventing downtime and making the practice more efficient so that the surgeons can focus on serving patients — not putting out fires every time a computer breaks or a system goes down.

At BlueCloud our services are proactive. We don’t wait for something to break. We sit down regularly with our clients to assess their systems and their needs, and we prevent things from breaking in the first place.

“The regular meetings help us review everything that’s going on. We are given a heads-up when a piece of equipment is coming to the end of its life, so we can budget for replacing that piece of equipment. Before, IT equipment wasn’t monitored to see how it was running or when it was likely to need an upgrade. When it broke, it disrupted the practice. BlueCloud has eliminated those nasty surprises.”

Just as importantly, BlueCloud has helped this dental practice become more efficient.

“If you don’t stay up with the technology curve, you are lost. In the past, if I was out at one office location and the patient had been seen in another office, then we’re 15 miles apart with no access to their records. Now, it’s just a click of a button, and I can see absolutely everything that’s going on in the practice.”